
 About me: I'm Canadian. I'm an engineer. I've lived in over 10 different cities so far and traveled a bunch. Currently, I'm a grad student living in Southern California, which has given me the chance to start exploring California as well. In this podcast, I hope to chat about my various travels and food related experiences with listeners! Show notes, links and related photos from the podcast episodes can also be found here!

A note about the photos: I am in no way a "proper" photographer. None of the pictures taken here were taken with a fancy camera or altered. In fact, many of them were taken using my phone (8 MP). Hopefully this gives a grassroots, real-life feel to the places! Also, I am not a "professional tourist". I go to these places out of happenstance and try and explore as much as I can. I am a grad student, so I'm also usually on a budget, and the restaurants that I review will likely reflect this.

Enjoy your stay :)

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